For years the issue of illegal drugs has plagued the minds of every Filipino. Every time we watch the news, there will always be days where another Filipino gets caught possessing drugs and some suffer even worse fates than others. The cycle goes on, and on until who knows when it will end. It's time we put a stop to it. "Don't Be Drag, Say No To Drugs! aims to reduce drug usage in our community and as well as inform citizens of the health risks that come from consuming illegal drugs.

In a report by the National Household Survey on the Patterns and Trends of Drug Abuse (2019), about 1.67 million Filipinos aged 10 to 69 are current consumers of drugs. This tells us that so many Filipinos remained chained to drugs. The number could be high as possibly thousands are unaccounted for. What's even eye-opening is the fact that children could be users as well. Knowing this. it urges us to take action before it goes out of hand. But before we change the nation, we have to start with the community we live in.

"Don't Be a Drag, Say No to Drugs!" focuses on two main objectives. To thoroughly educate the people on the health implications of drugs, and the proper rehabilitation and monitoring of drug users. Our advocacy is fully aware that our plan isn't the only one that has tackled the issue of drugs. Due to that, we have decided that we would focus on our two objectives as we believe that both aren't emphasized enough despite being important.

Other than our main advocacies, "Don't Be a Drag, Say No to Drugs!" also has a couple of advocacies.

Our advocacy wouldn't come to fruition without the partnership and support of the following agencies and or organizations:

Created by: Elijah Jay H. Diez
XI- St. Chrysostom

( Made with Carrd )